Thursday, December 10, 2009

7 days...

Well 7 days from right now I will be somewhere over the Atlantic ocean headed straight for Los Angeles, and then from there to Ecuador.....I am so excited to be home for see my family, to be in a place I love, with some of the people i love the most...(some will be missing...) but I am so thankful that I get to go home....
But the point is....I have now lived in Spain for 79 days, and have 7 crazy is that?!?!? It's amazing, and God has blessed my time tremendously! And I know He's not going to stop I have an amazing 7 days in front of me....
I would appreciate your continued prayers though as I finish up here...
1. for all the finals I have...2 Friday (Oral Expressions-Spanish, Humanities-Cal Poly), 2 Monday (Oral Expressions-Written part, History-Cal Poly) and 2 on Tuesday (Grammar-Spanish, Culture-Spanish) its going to be a whole lot of studying in a little time...but so worth it! so just for diligence...
2. That I could finish strong- in relationships, as I'm tired and working on hwk stuff, that I could continue to love and pour into the people around me...for patience.
3. For good time in the Word, with God over the next I reflect and wrap up, that in the busyness I would take time to be still
4. For the tear I feel in my heart...I'm so excited to be home, to move on and go back to Cal Poly...but you have to know how much I love Spain and everything for the process of saying goodbye...not my favorite...
5. And always for Brandon and I...I miss him a whole lot, and now have been away from him for about 4 months...that God would continue to strengthen us, that we could figure out a time to be together....for him as he is waiting to hear from Medical Schools and the Air Force....for patience in the midst of that...and also as this is his finals week as for strength for him!

Thank you so much for your prayers...they truly support me more than you'll ever know. I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life...I am thankful for each of you....and I will try to update as much as possible here and there about what's going on.....oh I had a fabulous time with the Coles (Brandon's Parents)...they got to meet my Mama and her boyfriend (Rafa), my friends, we traveled to 2 surrounding cities, and then just for them to see where I live here was really thank you Uncle Curt and Aunt Karen for visiting!

Much love to each of you.....and I hope you are having a great day!