Thursday, December 3, 2009


Good morning everyone...or afternoon or evening... :)
Well things are going really good here...2 weeks from today I will be flying out! Crazy how time goes by so fast. But its been amazing, and I still have 2 amazing weeks ahead of me! Today actually we're flying out to Northern Ireland for the weekend, because due to Spain's Constitution, and the Immaculate Conception we have Monday and Tuesday off! So we're headed to visit a lot of my mom's family in Northern Ireland! I am so beyond excited!!!!
The only bummer though is that I'm pretty sick...getting better, but these last couple of days have been no fun at started out just with a cold, sore throat, no big deal...and yesterday morning when I woke up I thought I was much better, but then while sitting in class I was struck hard, with chills, achyness, feverish and diarrhea--just awful feeling. So once we were done with class I came home and laid low for the rest of the day. I was only able to sleep a little during the day, but it was nice not to have to go anywhere...I got a good nights sleep last night, but still feeling not 100% today, and the thought of traveling is not that great right I would really appreciate your prayers that I would feel a lot better by the time we get on our airplane tonight...I'm still stoked about being in Northern Ireland, but I do not want to feel like thank you for your prayers... :) Oh and Hanna was struck with it later last night, so we both stayed home from class this morning, doing a little better, but not great....

As far as just life here, its getting pretty busy because we get back on Monday, then have 2 finals on Friday, one Monday (0f the following week) and 2 on Tuesday, then our "graduation" on Wednesday and we fly out on Thursday! lots of studying and shopping ;) to be done between now and when we leave...but it'll be great.
Jesse, Tiffany, Me, Lelani, Lily
We got a chance to go look at a Castle last week, as well as eat a really typical Spanish dish--Lechazo--which is baby lamb, it was really good...
Hanna and I at the restaurant--it was an old mill over the water, so cool!

...then we got to go to a winery and tour the Bodega...It was so fun to be out of the city in the country, it was absolutely beautiful, really really cold but really fun!

Me and Tiffany on top of the Castle

Aubrea, Hanna, Tiffany and Me
I love my roomie!

It is definitely getting way colder here...this week its been anywhere from 1 degree celsius, to mostly 8ish degrees Celsisus....cold....But we've been so spoiled by the weather so I really have no complaints, because I really like the fresh feeling outside, the beauty all around us...Leaves keep falling and I just LOVE it!
At the Winery...enjoying the beautiful Sunset!
The Pueblo (town) we got to go visit

Another really cool thing is that God is seriously working in some of the girls' hearts here, they're asking great questions...they want to believe, but something is holding them back, something is keeping them from just handing their lives over its been super exciting for me to get to talk to share from my life...So I ask that you would be praying for them as well...that they would not leave here unchanged, and that God would just continue to soften their hearts and for their responses...
Lastly...just pray for safe travels this weekend...that we could have a BLAST, although I know we will...but just be praying for our time as the 6 of us girls....
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support, much love to each one of you!!!!!! :)